Team Introduction

Leading Professional Team

With top-tier professional backgrounds and extensive experience, they provide outstanding financial services and training for you.

Mr. WhiteGreen

Head of Wilma's Australian Market Team and Chief Investment Analyst.

Mr. WhiteGreen boasts extensive experience and exceptional expertise in the financial domain. Holding dual degrees in Finance Management from Harvard Business School and Computer Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he has held pivotal managerial positions in renowned financial institutions on Wall Street. Leveraging his keen insights, he has adeptly led teams in seizing numerous investment opportunities spanning renewable energy, artificial intelligence technology, and cryptocurrency sectors, delivering lucrative returns for investors. Mr. WhiteGreen is poised to leverage his profound knowledge and strategic acumen to continually propel Wilma's expansion and growth in the Australian market.

Mr. WhiteGreen's "Art of Living" Investment Philosophy:

Life is Investment, Investment is Life Mr. WhiteGreen firmly believes that investing is not merely about making money, but more importantly, about achieving a better life. He considers life to be the ultimate goal of investing.

Love Life, Love Society, Love Family Mr. WhiteGreen has always upheld the values of "loving life, loving society, and loving family." He prioritizes client interests and strives to deliver substantial investment returns for his investors.

Fulfill Personal Value Mr. WhiteGreen believes that only by fully realizing one's potential, embodying wisdom and cultivation, can investments truly unleash their inherent value.

Contribute to Society Mr. WhiteGreen believes that investments should serve to improve life, not only by achieving personal value, but also by giving back to society.

Care for Family Mr. WhiteGreen considers the ultimate goal of investing to be enhancing life, which includes taking good care of one's own family.

Leading the Australian Market Mr. WhiteGreen will continue to carry forward his unique "Art of Living" investment philosophy, leading the Wilma Australia team to explore the market and seek better investment returns and quality of life for his clients.

“We don't make money for the sake of making money. The goal is to live a good life.”

As one of the most successful investors, Buffett has dedicated much of his wealth to philanthropic causes, embodying his belief that investment should serve a higher purpose.

Warren Buffett
The Oracle of Omaha

“Life principles are investment principles.”

Dalio's best-selling book "Principles" outlines his philosophy that the wisdom and cultivation required for a successful life are also the keys to successful investing.

Ray Dalio
Founder, Bridgewater Associates

“Don't look for the market's direction, focus on your life's goals.”

Bogle revolutionized the investment industry by pioneering index funds, emphasizing the importance of long-term, disciplined investing over chasing short-term market trends.

John Bogle
Founder, Vanguard Group

“Investing is to improve the quality of life, not just to pursue wealth.”

Unlike his father John, Jack Bogle has placed greater emphasis on shaping personal values, believing that true wealth lies in happiness, health and a life of meaning.

Jack Bogle
Vanguard Founder's Son

“True wealth is not just about money, but about living a happy, healthy and purposeful life.”

Stanley's research on thousands of millionaires revealed that many lead frugal lifestyles, underscoring his view that the essence of wealth transcends material possessions.

Thomas Stanley
Author, "The Millionaire Next Door"